Homeowners in Somerset reside in a wonderful, quiet suburb that is surrounded by plenty of vegetation. Homes in Somerset are attractive and contemporary. The neighbours are welcoming and cordial. The neighbourhood is really vibrant and there is a lot going on to foster a sense of community. People in this area are quite adventurous and enjoy being outside. The neighborhood's single-detached homes predominate. The majority of residences in Somerset are two stories tall with split levels, however there are some bungalow-style buildings. The neighbourhood has a lot of low-rise apartments and a few row houses as well. All of the real estate that is for sale is beautifully priced, kept up, and furnished with modern decor. In this welcoming neighbourhood, Somerset has a thriving housing market where you can find a selection of unusual house types and styles to suit any buyer's preferences. Find detached houses for sale in the Somerset neighbourhood in southwest Calgary, Alberta.